The Lensbaby Sol 45 is fantastic, easy to learn lens!   Many Ambassadors recommend it for photographers new to Lensbaby.  I prefer to ask what you like to shoot and how comfortable you are are shooting completely in manual mode first. If you're someone who is uncomfortable in manual this is definitely the lens for you!  The Sol 45 has a fixed 3.5 aperture which means you don't have to decide on your depth of field.  The lens is doing it for you.  You can use Auto ISO if doing that works for you. You'll just have to figure out the shutter speed!  And of course manually focus!  
This can also be a great starter lens for someone experienced in shooting in manual but wanting to try Lensbaby without committing too much to the investment.  With a price of $199.95 this is a fantastic introduction into Lensbaby!

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